A New Green for Savings

Využijte dotace a bydlete pohodlněji

The Fund accepts grant applications from October 2021 to June 2025. The New Green for Savings supports energy-saving projects in single-family and apartment buildings.

CLIMAX, a shading system manufacturer, is registered in the programme under the ID SVT number 1295.

Pár se probouzí v ložnici, slunce prosvítá venkovními žaluziemi

Vyberte si své stínění s dotací

Co je potřeba udělat pro získání dotace na venkovní stínění?

  • This can only be done when applying for a subsidy for house insulation
  • Owners of houses and apartment buildings are eligible for the subsidy
  • The building permit for the building must have been issued before 1 July 2013
  • The measures must not have been taken before 1 January 2021
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Co budete potřebovat k žádosti?

  • Electronic identification (Citizen Identity) and proof of bank account ownership
  • An expert opinion (design documents and energy assessment)
  • Drawings or the final report
  • The cover sheet of the technical specifications, contracts, and confirmation of payment
Rodina v obývacím pokoji, dcera čte na žluté pohovce, kluk se hraje s ovladačem  k venkovnímu stínění

Výše dotace na stínicí techniku

  • Up to 50% of the total eligible cost, but no more than CZK 4900 per m²
  • CZK 1500 per m² for the installation of moving shading elements enabling the adjustment of the level of shading
  • Bonus for combining various measures:
    • CZK 10,000 for houses
    • CZK 20,000 for apartment buildings
    • The bonus can be multiplied by the number of measures combined and is added automatically
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